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Here is some information on our ATV helmet with optional MX mask. These enduro type helmets are very nice for money. They give you a large front opening which is great for people who wear glasses or like me enjoy riding with a open helmet and wear sunglasses. This helmet also has the option of a sun visor and shield. The visor is great for those rides when the sun is right in front of you. No more having to lift your hand over your head to block the sun. It also helps prevent sunburn of the forehead. The shield is perfect on coming quads that bring dust or for those unexpected rain storms. This helmet also has a very nice ventilation system both on top and at the nose. Easy to open and close while wearing it. Even the adjustable sun visor is designed with a wind tunnel to channel wind to the top vent to help keep your head cool. My head is a size is 23 ½ inches and the XL fits snug. I am sure after my first ride it will loosen some. The weight of this helmet is only about 3 ½. It also comes with a helmet bag and side cover if you wish to remove the visor or shield completely. There is even space to place my Collett Headset speakers so not to interfere with space for my ears. It does so much for a helmet that costs less than $100. This helmet is a nice safety option to have for the ATV trail!

I personally have used this helmet now for about 1600 trail miles and love it. This helmet is TheATVSuperStore APPROVED!